Breve because it is short. Toccatina because it is a miniature toccata: a rapid virtuoso composition in free style for a keyboard instrument, emphasizing the dexterity of the performer's fingers. Alla breve because it is written in the time signature of 2/2 (a simple-duple meter with a half-note pulse). A practical notation for fast tempi, since it allows the musician to read notes of short duration more cleanly with fewer beams.
Breve toccatina alla breve was composed in Bremen (Germany) on November 22 and December 5, 2013. The piece -which duration is one minute- is warmly dedicated to Yumi Suehiro. ISWC: T-803.319.211-0
Premiere: by Yumi Suehiro at the Jan Hus Church, New York City on Sunday, 18 May 2014 in the frame of the project "Fifteen Minutes of Fame" organised by the association Vox Novus. I must add that seldom I am impressed by a performance of one of my pieces, but this was the case. Yumi not only understood the musical ideas of the piece but also developed a natural dramaturgy, a choreography of gestures in consonance with the spirit of the piece.
The Breve toccatina alla breve was chosen as "obliged piece" at the competition for pianists "Segundo concurso nacional de piano Festival de pianistas", Mar del Plata (Argentina) in August 2014.
Yumi Suehiro: world premiere of the "Breve Toccatina alla breve" by Juan María Solare. Jan Hus Church, New York City, 18 May 2014